Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 49

others with far less means and opportunities. As As such, Keystone students are sure recipients of she watched them grow up, she realized that the Dr. Martelly’s extra care and attention. For Vincent most important and ultimate goal in education in Grade 12, mathematics can be boring at times. does not vary: “As teachers,” she revealed, “we But, he says, Dr. Martelly tries her best to make aspire to develop our students’ abilities and tap it enjoyable, patiently helping students work into their full potential because, ultimately, they through hurdles and always guiding them toward will lead the next generation." understanding of math problems. “Sometimes, when students are stuck, she will stop the class “Meeting an excellent teacher can transform your and play Venezuela's classic birthday game “yo te life and put you on a path to become a miracle of dare”, singing while patting each other's shoul- education,” Dr. Martelly reminisced. She expe- ders. Other times, Ms. Martelly will encourage rienced this first-hand when, in grade 9, she us to stretch and perform yoga moves to try to suffered a rough patch in life that manifested relax. After that, the problem-solving ideas flow itself in the inferior quality of her schoolwork more easily.” Frankie in Grade 12 shared that even and grades. Just as she was about to lose faith in though, “Dr. Martelly has never taught me in any her studies and herself, Mr. Moreno, her phys- subject, I have learned a lot from her. This is per- ics and mathematics teacher, stepped up and filled haps what they call learning by example?” the void by supporting her academic needs and encouraging her towards blossoming into the best version of herself. Leading with Care and Purpose “Mr. Moreno offered to tutor me after school and To broaden her influence in the field of educa- worked with me on building a foundation upon tion, help faculty pursue their dreams and magnify which to build and grow knowledge,” she shared. the power of education, Dr. Martelly transitioned “With him as my teacher, I regained my confidence into school leadership upon accepting the role in learning. I was engaged and worked really hard, of secondary school principal at the American which helped me not only strengthen my learn- International School of Abuja in Nigeria. “It was ing in physics and mathematics but also in other a hard decision because I love teaching. But I am disciplines.” Mr. Moreno significantly influenced after the dr eam, not the position. I always do the her decision to become a teacher, a personal story very best that I can do, always push myself to the Dr. Martelly chronicled in her application essay to next level and never settle for what currently is. I Columbia University. “Ever since, I give of my time always ask myself, is there anything else I can do freely. It is my way of paying it forward. He is a to help the situation improve?” she offered. driving force in everything I do,” she stated. In her view, educational leadership differs vastly The Keystone Magazine 46