Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 34

Graduation learning opportunity,” recalled Sasha, “because my broad range of interests would fit nicely with a so much time went into it, and the entire pro- liberal arts curriculum and she has encouraged me cess was a lesson in control. I remember reaching to consider a wide range of universities.” a point where I could not keep on projecting my desires onto the cast risking to lose the essence of Sasha will attend Bard College. Founded in 1860 the play. So, I had to take a step back and give the and located in Annandale, New York, Bard is an freedom required to create their characters and independent four-year college of the liberal arts guide their interactions, I just couldn’t microman- and sciences. It is Sasha’s hope that Bard College age every aspect.” will offer her a time to explore her interests. “I have placed my major as undeclared, not because “Sasha has created and starred in several school I am indecisive, but because I know that I will productions while successfully balancing her change my opinion about my interest fields once demanding IB coursework. I have no doubt that I start university. I want to use my first year as a she will contribute to a high academic and social chance to explore,” she shared. atmosphere as she continues on her educational and developmental journey,” shared Ms. Bergeson. Reflecting on her career and personal aspirations, Sasha feels inspired by fellow Kenyans who leave their country to study and explore greater oppor- World Student tunities but also return to help their communities. “I see many problems with my country, but I also Keystone’s college counseling program has helped see the capacity for change. Kenyans are a resil- Sasha understand the type of college she would ient people and I think we can turn our adversities thrive in most. “I joined Keystone thinking I around into something that builds us up rather wanted to go to a large college with thousands of than defines us,” she explained. “Leaning on my students. But after my time here, I realize I learn experiences from living outside of Kenya, I want best in more individualized environments,” she to uplift my community and ‘pay it forward’ so offered. “My counselor has helped me realize that to speak.” The Keystone Magazine 31