Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 10

Editor’s Note Lighting the Way Forward This was the moment that many of us have been our earliest days that determine the course of our life.” waiting for. This is our role at Keystone, to help our pupils and stu- dents to find their way through their early years by On May 19, 2018, 47 young people began their journey creating a nurturing environment filled with precious from the classroom into a wide world full of experiences memories that will last a lifetime. and opportunities. During the graduation ceremony that marked this momentous milestone, class valedictorian, As Head of School Malcolm McKenzie said to our very Jacky Liang, gave a speech to a laughter-filled audience. first graduating class, they were there at the very begin- His speech was not only full of humor but also poignant ning of Keystone and witnessed its many firsts, making and moving as he described how he would rather “jour- history along with us. In this issue, we endeavored to ney with friends into darkness than stand alone in the chronicle fully the learning journey of Keystone’s first light,” a sentiment echoed by his fellow students, who senior cohort, a major milestone in our collective history were preparing to embark on their own adventures. as a school. As I listened to Jacky’s speech, I was transported back to There is an old adage that goes, a truly great school Keystone’s founding ceremony four years ago, looking serves as the beacon of light for its students. In my hum- up to the roof of the school and seeing a wide expanse of ble opinion, the school not only defines the students; sky filled with sunlight. I knew then that the future is as the students also define the school. This holds partic- bright and limitless as on that special day. ularly true for this first group of Keystone graduates. I hope that they will continue to shine as they cross the It was my favorite Czech writer, Milan Kundera, who threshold into the wider world, lighting the path for once said that “a person’s entire life is decided in their generations to come. first 10 years.” To paraphrase this quote slightly, “It’s 4BCSJOB-JV %JSFDUPSPG.BSLFUJOHBOE$PNNVOJDBUJPOT The Keystone Magazine 7