Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 93

In Conversation With lead, but the Class of 2019 wanted to do so. When I really do know, understand and, for the most part, see some of the leaders in this year’s group they are abide by the shared values of the school. They’re more comfortable in their own skin. not meaningless words to them and if you ask them about Keystone or their Keystone experience I think that both classes have developed a great deal a lot of them will talk about the shared values and of affection for each other. They are a very close- how important they are. I think our students will knit group and they take care of each other. I think lead well and engage wherever they go next. I hope this is true of a lot of our classes, but both 2018 and many of them do go into liberal arts environments 2019 have set a tone for the secondary school that I because I think many of them have the potential to really love. We work hard in admissions to take in have a big impact in that milieu. good kids, and they have been good to each other. I think this says a lot about them and a lot about Many educational institutions around the world share the the school’s expectation of them as well. The kids philosophy that when it comes to choosing a school, "It The Keystone Magazine 89