Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 32

Graduate Profile educational conferences that take place around the sports equipment such as soccer balls and frisbees world. In October 2018, a delegation of Keystone were given out to help keep the students active and students travelled to Ottawa, Canada to attend a engaged through physical activities. Books were conference set up by the Round Square Organization, also donated to a local school classroom, courtesy a federation of nearly 200 like-minded and of parents who had purchased used books from socially-conscious schools of which Keystone is a the Roundabout Charity Organization in Shunyi, member. “By attending this conference, I learned Beijing.   about so many different global perspectives. I have experienced diversity through other programs that “Jasmin has a strong link to who she is and she I have attended. However, students in the Round possesses deep understanding, broad knowledge, Square Organization are special. They are more and tangible respect for what it is to be Chinese, willing to speak with other people regardless of with its thousands of years of literature, philos- race, background or nationality. By speaking with ophy, culture,” Patricia Power, Jasmin’s Theory them throughout this conference, I gained so much of Knowledge Teacher and IB Extended Essay knowledge from different parts of the world,” Coordinator, said. “At Keystone, she has been given Jasmine said. a very strong platform from which to see the world.  One of Jasmin’s longest service initiatives during and their culture in this way, and  it gives her the her tenure at the Academy has been her active certainty from which to view the world.”  Few young people know this about themselves involvement in the annual service trip to Nepal. Each year, students are selected by a council com- “She is curious and she doesn’t show this in a loud or prised of teachers and students to attend a service ‘pick me’ kind of way but in an steady, assured way,” trip whose goal is to help a community in need. Mrs. Power continued. “She has this ability to bring Attending this global service trip has been one of other people on this journey with her.  I don’t know the highlights of her time on campus. why or how but she does. And this is what makes her a great learner.” During the 2019 Nepal Spring Talent Concert at Keystone, students sung, danced, and acted to raise funds to purchase materials for the Nepalese The Journey Continues community during their service trip. The delega- tion painted classrooms in bright colors, animating Jasmin the environment to stimulate and improve the University in Scotland, famous for producing grad- has been accepted by St. Andrew’s Nepalese students’ learning experience. Students uates such as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. organized and taught mathematics, Chinese, and The flexibility of the curriculum at St. Andrew’s, even personal hygiene classes to students in a local where she intends to study Anthropology and East school in the hilltop municipality of Bandipur. Asian Languages, will allow Jasmine to continue to explore her passions and other academic interests In another service initiative project that Jasmin while also completing more service work in her spearheaded, the group even provided each new community. “I’m looking forward to studying student a hygiene pack filled with toiletries as a in a new country,” Jasmin said. “I feel like this will supplement to their hygiene course. In addition, be another chapter in the book of my life.” The Keystone Magazine 28