Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 24

Graduate Profile with a homework assignment, volunteer to lead a endeavored to marry his interests with the Council service learning project, or create innovative new to bring new and exciting programs to students. programs to diversify school offerings through “In Grade 9, I became attracted to TED Talks,” he Keystone’s Student Council organization. explained. “All of the ideas presented were so interesting, and I had never encountered anything “I have now retired from the Student Council,” like it before. During my student exchange in La Steven joked. “But I was involved with the Student Jolla (in San Diego, California), American students Council since my first year at Keystone. When I was would rush to share news or experiences and events in public school, there weren’t many opportunities upcoming during assembly. I wanted to bring that to be actively involved in student organizations. I culture back to Keystone.” got my start here as a representative in the Student Council. As the years went on, I became more Steven’s desire to introduce his peers to new confident in what I could do for the organization ways of thinking and interacting with the world is and aspired to pursue leadership positions within evident through endeavors such as Talk Keystone, Student Council.” a program in which students can bring their ideas As a former president of the Student Council, Steven Through the Student Council, Steven was able to to life and share their passions with the community. The Keystone Magazine 20