Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 105

JUST BEFORE BED By Susan Kinsolving Late one night walking across my lawn, I pitched a large pinecone back at the trees and startled some sleeping birds. Out of the branches they came flapping, chirping with fright, then flew away into the dark disquieted world, deranged as bats at noon. There’s nothing more to this, only the old discomfort of wondering how to be acquainted with the night without disturbing its peace. And where does one go to nest again, or (perchance) to dream? 梦前杂记 Translated by Keystone Grade 12 Student Yolanda Xu 夜深踏闲庭 / 掷籽倦鸟惊/ 振翅离枝去 / 惶惶不得宁/ 散入喧瞑里 / 蝠翼正午翕/ 惟此志 乱吾心 / 何以入夜静且清/ 惊鹊归巢归何处 / 偶逢周公又几更