Keystone Magazine Learning the Keystone Way 2015-2016 EN | Página 71


Keystone Research Group : To Infinity and Beyond ! Started by Cassini Lv and Gemma Liu , this is Keystone ’ s first student-initiated academic group . With a passion and growing interest in aerospace technology , this group hopes “ to invent new technology for the benefit of human development ,” explains Cassini enthusiastically , adding , “ I hope our group can innovate . Hope we get the opportunity to share our ideas with NASA , and someday even visit NASA .” As ambitious as that may sound , the Keystone Research Group is not going to give up trying . They have eight student members at present and hope to keep growing .
Elevo Art Studio : The Art of Self
Art , and a passion for art is what brought this group of 12 students together . Interestingly , these students are not only honing their skills in art , expression through art , and communication , but they are also discovering more about themselves individually and collectively . “ We are a group of friends who are interested in art , and for us it is a journey to find our inner selves . We gradually realized that our small group was helping each person grow individually through discovery and expression ,” says one of its student members Helen Huang . such as middle and high school Design teacher George Baxter . He has been inspiring to the Elevo Art Studio student by showing them his work – sketches , paintings , etc . He helps them to discover new ways of art .
“ Before I used to think of art as just another subject – just art .
But this group has shown me that it is much more – a means of communication not only to myself , but also to my friends . I have learned a lot in this group – teamwork , leadership and the art itself . I feel like I have grown by leaps since the group began . I feel happy while working with the group ,” remarks , Helen ’ s
Their current topic focuses on the inner-self , which looks at mental health through art . Once a topic is decided , each student chooses a medium to explore the topic – sketching , painting , sculpting , photography , etc . Students also seek the support and advice of their teachers ,

Elevo Art Studio