Keystone Magazine Learning the Keystone Way 2015-2016 EN | Page 65

teacher talks
7 . It ’ s fairly easy to find opportunities for community service in the summer . Keystone students already have relationships with a number of Beijing charity groups , and the May ELP trips will introduce others . The Round Square organization has service opportunities to which Keystone students can apply for this summer in Peru and South Africa . Whether initiated by an individual or organized by a foundation , community service helps students to understand a world outside their own .
8 . Many older students find that summer allows for opportunities in the work world , through internships . Perhaps someone in your family has a business where a student can work this summer , finding out about the world of work and seeing what it is really like to work in a field of interest . There are also organizations that set up internships for which students can apply .
9 . Even if a student is staying close to home this summer taking a course is possible in the summer . We highly discourage allocating the majority of summer vacation time to taking English prep classes like TOEFL or SAT . Colleges are not impressed at the lack of imagination shown in such a summer plan . Instead , consider taking a course in an area of interest , either on-line or in person . Astronomy ? Fashion design ? Building an app ? Creative writing ? These are all possible . A week or two with a class for an English boost is not a bad idea , but it should not be the entire summer plan .
10 . The eight weeks of summer are also a good time to prepare for the next academic year . All grade nine students will be in the middle of their personal project work . Grade ten students can prepare for their DP classes through recommended readings or on-line courses . Other students can check in with their current teachers to ask for reading recommendations before they leave in June .
Summer is a great time for different learning . Keep learning and growing while you enjoy the break from classes .