Keystone Magazine Learning the Keystone Way 2015-2016 EN | Page 61

That is why the first Student Presidents, together with Aman- da and me, decided to test a different approach to forming the student council the second time around. At the last Round Square Con- ference in Singapore where I met administrators and teach- ers from schools all over the world, I attended a seminar on democracy. When we talk about democracy to students, they often think about freedom of speech, and it is often linked to political agendas. However in student leadership, democracy is about the cultivation of a stu- dent voice, to allow the student cohort to realize just how pow- erful their voices and opinions can be. Listening and watching other educators present their versions of democracy adapted in their schools were inspir- ing, and so I brought the idea back to Keystone’s first Student Council. Initially everyone was skeptical, including myself. The new pro- cess eliminated speeches and campaigning, thus removing all opportunities to prepare or manipulate votes in advance. But having spent a year with Amanda and me in leader- ship development, the student leaders believed that Keystone deserved a true leader, and so they voted for a new election process. This was a proud mo- ment for us. This new process allowed can- didates to present a one-minute video to introduce themselves to the student body on Election Day. This was then followed by a Q&​A session with a panel made up of teachers and students. This leveled the playing field. All candidates had to be consider- ate of each other. Honesty, and a desire to serve were what we were looking for. In addition, the opportunity to experience and participate in democracy in the form of student voices was presented fairly and equally to all students through voting. Leadership development at Keystone is about helping every student realize that he or she has the power to do something. This article is not about what the Student Council can do, nor is it to encourage everyone to try to be in Student Council. It is to promote the leader in each of us, by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, and working on them to become a better leader in our own lives. Those who voted wisely on Friday for the second Student Council, you have been a leader in ensuring that this year, the Student Council will serve you better! 59