Keystone Magazine Learning the Keystone Way 2015-2016 EN | Page 58

teacher talks And so we decided to go global in search of feedback. I con- tacted a school in the UK. Stu- dents in Birmingham, UK at the Camp Hill School for Girls were given the same homework task as students at Keystone. Both classes had to draw a building that holds a special memory for them, a structure they identi- fied with. They were asked to create a mixed-media piece re- sponding to the work of one of two artists Valery Koshlyakov or John Piper who they have been studying through the semester. By collaborating with a school thousands of miles away, the unit grew not only to under- stand the contrasts between western and eastern architec- ture, but also the construction of identities. Obviously, by swapping work with students from a western culture, as ex- pected we saw some contrast in the architectural styles of the buildings students chose to draw. But I was also interested to see a significant contrast in the techniques, styles and drawings of the students. And I hoped that my students would not only learn from the feed- 56 back they receive, but also from their British peers’ works. Though anxious and a tad bit nervous at first, my students produced their best work. This is what one of my students, Vincent Liu told me later, “When I heard about the peer learning project, I was at first nervous but also quite excited. This is a rare opportunity and I wanted to share my best work with the peer school. I was excited be- cause I really wanted to see the peer school’s work, and how they would assess us, especially because they are culturally dif- ferent from us.” When I look at the development of the Keystone students’ work, I think that this experience has helped them to be braver. It has helped them to experi- ment with different materials more. One of my students, Alice Zhang, thinks so too: “I think I need to be more confident in experimenting. I think it’s the way I have been taught to draw before, where drawing meant capturing the object I was drawing exactly without impos- ing my thoughts or opinions on my artwork. I have always been good at art, but it was only after coming to Keystone that I start- ed finding my own style. My British peers helped me realize that I need to be less conserva- tive in my artwork. I hope I can continue to build my friendship with the peer school students.” Personally, through this experi- ence, I have learnt more about my own students here at Key- stone. I have learnt that they have such a diverse range of ex- periences to draw from, and that they are willing to collaborate and communicate with others. Some students shared quite per- sonal memories, and I think that this will help them to connect in more meaningful ways with their work. It was encouraging for me that my students were open to new ideas from the UK, and were equally thoughtful in their advice to their new British friends. They were also open minded when reading their own feedback. It would be interesting to see how each school devel- ops their work further. We are looking forward to swapping im- ages of the final outcomes from these projects in the near future.