KeyLine Mag March 2016 | Page 12

Photo Taken by: iCandy Photos Keyz: What are your future plans? What should we be on the lookout for from you and your team in 2016? How can you be reached if someone wanted you to train them? Reggie: My future plans are to con nue doing what I love which is helping people reach their goals and changing lives one person at a me. I'm planning on doing a bodybuilding show soon, so you guys stay tuned and I also will be playing in my first movie called "Muscle Reload". Thanks to one of my business partners, "Lo o Cash Cow" a movie producer. I have collaborated with MBS, which is the brand of Chef Charles in Lo o the cash cow. Stay tuned for The Muscle Squad and MBS on the rise in a city near you! Keyz: Do you have any advice to others that are striving to follow in your steps of fitness training? R e g g i e : A n d my a d v i c e t o anybody that is striving for the best in training or any business, is it all starts with following your dreams and goals. Don't be scared to take a chance. Step out on faith if you believe you can achieve all things! If anyone would like to reach me my email is [email protected]