Key Biscayne Master Plan 043944000.18w_Key_Biscayne_MP(forJooMag) | Page 103

9.0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 9.7 Transportation Operations Plan Recommended strategies will be used to improve transportation operations/safety within project work zones. Corridor/ Network Management Work Zone Safety Management Traffic/Incident Management and Enforcement Selected Strategies Responsibilities/Requirements/ Special}Considerations Signal timing/ coordination improvements Signal timing changes shall be made when detouring traffic during lane closures. Police officers shall be utilized as needed to adjust signal timing to dissipate excessive backups. Speed limit reduction/variable speed limits The speed reduction signs shall be installed at locations shown in the MOT plans. Temporary traffic barrier Temporary traffic barrier shall be installed at locations shown in the MOT plans. Crash attenuators Crash attenuators are not anticipated but shall be placed at locations proposed by the contractor to break temporary traffic barrier runs for access to work zone. Warning lights Type A warning lights shall be mounted on top of all construction signs as noted in the MOT plans. Type C steady-burn warning lights shall be mounted on all channelization devices during nighttime activities. Signal timing/ coordination improvements Signal timing changes shall be made when detouring traffic during lane closures. Police officers shall be utilized as needed to adjust signal timing to dissipate excessive backups. Dedicated (paid) police enforcement DPS officers shall be used as needed for monitoring and flushing out traffic at signalized intersections along the approved detour routes. 99