Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 94

      Develop revisions to the land use regulations, including developing incentives, acquisitions and possible transfer of development rights. These actions should be conducted in conjunction with other recommended strategies addressing land use.  LU-1C Maps Study Area Mid Create and Maintain a GIS Data Clearinghouse Term The Gulf Regional Planning Commission, JLUS partner jurisdictions, federal and state agencies and Keesler AFB should work collaboratively to develop a GIS clearinghouse to share GIS data for the Keesler AFB JLUS Study Area, e.g. military footprints, existing land use, zoning, and other pertinent GIS data, to enable enhanced long-range compatibility planning. In addition, a protocol for accessing and updating the information should be developed to ensure accuracy and appropriate security measures are established. Other Partners: federal and state agencies and other JLUS stakeholders, as appropriate LU-1D Comm / Map MCAOD Maintenance and Update of MCAs and MCAOD Keesler AFB shall provide updated information to the JLUS Implementation Coordination Committee when changes in operations or circumstances result in the need to update or modify one of the MCA or MCAOD boundaries. The JLUS Implementation Coordination Committee will be responsible for making a recommendation to members for incorporation into appropriate plans, regulations, and policies. Short Term LU-1E Comm / Zon MCAOD Review Zoning Ordinances for Compatibility Consider creating a Military Compatibility Area Task Force to coordinate review, deliberate issues, recommend mitigation strategies, evaluate zoning changes and consider other best practices to mitigate encroachment potential to promote and encourage land use planning in consideration of military compatibility, and result in more sustainable economic development and long-range planning. Short Term Page 80 Strategy Geographic Issue / Strategy ID # LU-1B (contined)            JLUS Report