Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 93

Issue / Strategy ID #
( continued )
Strategy Type
Geographic Area
• MCAOD . This area is the consolidated footprint of all the MCAs and associated subzones within the imaginary surface criteria of Keesler AFB .
• Safety MCA . This MCA has three subzones in which strategies address the establishment of restrictive or conservation easements between the military and willing landowners and awareness measures and land use changes would avoid incompatible development around Keesler AFB .
• BASH Relevancy Area . This covers a five mile radius around the Keesler AFB airfield in which strategies would discourage land uses that would attract increases in birds and wildlife in the area .
• Noise MCA . An area that is defined by the 65 dB DNL or greater noise contour associated with air operations at Keesler AFB . This area covers the noise that extends offinstallation .
• Vertical Obstruction MCA . This MCA and its subzones document the areas subject to vertical height restrictions due to aircraft activity . This includes areas surrounding Keesler AFB and will define ( 1 ) areas within the imaginary surface criteria and Part 77 vertical obstruction compliance , and ( 2 ) Existing Military Operating Surface ( EMOS ) information giving a clear site picture on all military related criteria that impact flight operations in one document / GIS product .
Other Partners : Mississippi Department of Transportation , Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality
Timeframe to Initiate
Gulf Regional Planning
LU-1B Comm / Map
Study Area
Establish a JLUS Data Working Group Consider establishing a JLUS Data Work Group to :
• Develop GIS based maps for use by local governing authority
• Review current land use regulatory controls within Keesler military influence areas
• Conduct land use regulatory workshops using planning case studies , practices and strategies used to resolve conflicts between military influence areas and potential development
Mid Term
JLUS Report