Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 83

CC-3B Zon MCAOD Building Construction Standards The cities of Biloxi and D’Iberville should consider more stringent construction standards for wind and flooding than minimum Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state building code requirements. Mid Term  Strategy plans during emergencies to coordinate traffic management and request transportation planning / projects as needed. Other Primary Partner: Mississippi Department of Transportation Other Partners: Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Geographic Issue / Strategy ID # CC-3A (continued)      COMMUNICATION / COORDINATION COM-1 Enhanced Communication between the City of D’Iberville and Keesler Air Force Base Need for enhanced and consistent communication and information sharing between the City of D’Iberville and Keesler AFB for mutual planning purposes. COM-1A Comm MCAOD Create a JLUS Implementation Coordination Committee to Oversee Implementation of JLUS Strategy Recommendations Formalize through a resolution that the Keesler AFB Policy and Technical Committees will transition to a JLUS Coordination Committee, and be responsible for monitoring the achievement of the recommended JLUS strategies and act as a forum for continued communication and sharing of information and current events associated with military compatibility. Jurisdictions should appoint a military liaison to be the point of contact to be on the committee and that would be present at jurisdiction meetings. The resolution should outline such assigned responsibilities. Other Partners: As Needed Short Term    COM-1B Comm / Proj   Study Area Shared Planning “Box” Email System Consider establishing a one-stop email system to coordinate compatibility planning initiatives, provide action updates, track development reviews, and provide general information, questions and answers. Develop a list of stakeholders that would have access to the email system Short Term     JLUS Report Page 69