Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 82

Strategy Geographic Issue / Strategy ID # CLIMATE CONSIDERATION CC-1 Potential for Flooding to Impact Keesler Air Force Base Missions Increased frequency and severity of weather events, such as storm surge, can create flooding at Keesler AFB and affect mission operations. CC-1A Plans CC-2 Potential for Climate Variability to Impact Keesler Air Force Base Keesler AFB is vulnerable to long-term impacts from climate variability including an increase in risk and severity of flooding and storm surge events. CC-2A Stud CC-3 Potential for Climate Variability to Impact Surrounding Jurisdictions Outside of Keesler AFB The community is vulnerable to long-term impacts from inundation due to climate variability including loss of access to K eesler Medical Center. CC-3A Comm / Plans Page 68 MCAOD MCAOD MCAOD Integrate Flood and Stormwater Management Plans Establish a partnership forum to discuss mutual locations and issues of concern. Other Partners: Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Develop Climate Resilience Assessment with Partnering Local Jurisdictions, State Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations Establish a partnership between Keesler AFB, local jurisdictions, state agencies, non- governmental organizations and DoD to develop a Climate Resilience Assessment to address issues related to sustainability and addressing climate variability, including flooding, inundation, and storm water intensities. The assessment and associated actions should be coordinated with the local ongoing programs and studies. Other Partners: Department of Defense, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Gulf of Mexico Alliance, Non- Governmental Organizations Transportation Infrastructure and Climate Variability Coordinate with GRPC / MPO and the Mississippi Department of Transportation on transportation infrastructure projects that support long-term traffic circulation needs while considering potential impacts from climate variability. Review and update traffic operation Mid Term Long Term Mid Term             JLUS Report