Keesler JLUS Report keesler_jlus_report | Page 61

• Ambient Lighting Surrounding Keesler Air Force Base . Ambient lighting from sources surrounding Keesler AFB including electronic billboards can affect pilot visibility and the performance of night vision equipment .
• Light Emissions from Event Sources . Light emissions from fireworks and laser shows have the potential to disrupt Keesler AFB flight operations .
• Keesler Air Force Base Outdoor Lighting . Lighting from Keesler AFB along Irish Hill Drive illuminates outside the installation creating light pollution in the community .
• Lighting for Proposed Parking Lot for Keesler Air Force Base Medical Center . A new parking lot is proposed on the north end of Keesler AFB for the Keesler Medical Center , creating potential lighting concerns for the adjacent Oak Park neighborhood .
Noise ( NOI ) Sound that reaches unwanted levels is referred to as noise . The central issue with noise is the impact , or perceived impact , on people , animals ( wild and domestic ), and general land use compatibility . Exposure to high noise levels can have a significant impact on human activity , health , and safety . The decibel ( dB ) scale is used to quantify sound intensity . To understand the relevance of decibels , a normal conversation often occurs at 60 dB , while an ambulance siren from 100 feet away is approximately 100 dB . Noise associated with military operations ( arrival / departure of military aircraft , firing of weapons , etc .) may create noises in higher dB ranges . The following Noise issues were identified :
• Noise from Keesler Medical Center Generators . Monthly testing of the Keesler Medical Center generators creates noise which impacts residents in the adjacent Oak Park neighborhood .
• Noise from Chiller on Keesler Air Force Base . The chiller for Arnold Hall is located outside the building approximately 40 feet from adjacent residences in the Oak Park neigh the chiller creates noise impacting adjacen
• Emergency Sirens from Keesler Medical C required testing of Keesler Medical Cente beginning of every shift change at 5:30 a . m noise which impacts the adjacent residen neighborhood .
• Noise from Commercial Truck Traffic . Co the temporary commercial gate on Bayvie impacts the adjacent residential neighbor neighborhood .
• City of Biloxi Airport Noise Overlay Distri Noise Overlay Districts do not incorporate land use guidance . The Districts are not id for the public to reference .
• Incompatible Development in Noise Con at Keesler AFB has the potential to affect surrounding the installation . Noise sensit intensities in development within the Kee the potential to impact mission‐critical tra
Public Trespassing ( PT ) This factor addresses public trespassing , either p onto a military installation . The potential for tre public use areas are in close proximity to an inst Trespassing issue was identified :
• Trespassing along Eastern Perimeter of K Concern for trespassing onto Keesler AFB , eastern perimeter near the Judge Sekul G historically occurred .