Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 223

Compatibility Assessment UFC 3‐260‐01 , Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design sets criteria for the layout , design , and construction of runways , helipads , taxiways , aprons , and related facilities . This guidance establishes the measurements of the MFZ and applicability . This guidance also states that any structure or item that is within the MFZ must be frangible to the maximum extent possible and if it cannot be made frangible , but must be located within this area , it must be waived before construction . Installations are encouraged to interact with property owners within the MFZ to make structures frangible where practical . Air Combat Command Instruction 32‐1056 , Airfield Planning and Design states that as part of the Airfield Obstruction Reduction Initiative ( AORI ), all correctable violations of UFC for Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design must be eliminated . Keesler AFB exercised this practice in 2010 when it removed a live oak tree near the southeast end of the runway in the MFZ .
• The DoD established MFZs within the airfield CZs at military
installations to reduce the potential damage from an aircraft mishap .
• There are structures within the North and South CZs extending from the Keesler AFB airfield that extend into Biloxi .
• The DoD recommends that structures within the MFZ should be eliminated or made frangible to the maximum extent practicable .
Power Lines Located in Sou High tension power lines with within eight feet of the appro path for landing jet aircraft , p
Within the South Clear Zone ( CZ ) are high tensio within the approach and departure flight path o Because the high tension power lines are locate there is potential for the interaction between a power lines to create an arc flash .
Arc flashes occur when there is a fault of short through an electric arc . During an arc flash , an through the air between one conductor to anot flashes have various causes including accidenta corrosion , and faulty installation .
Arc flashes can cause dangerous results includin degrees Fahrenheit , which can cause fire and b molten metal ; blast pressure , upwards of 2,000 ( psf ); and sound blasts that can reach 140 decib flashes can cause aircraft and instrumentation d exposed to them .
Sources : https :// www . osha . gov /; http :// www . allstar . fiu . edu / aero /; https :// www . geind
Compatibility Assessment Because the land use compatibility guidance in Compatible Use Zones Program recommends n CZ , the siting of high tension power lines within South CZ is incompatible with the land use reco
Background Report