Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 216

The North APZ II primarily comprises Multi‐Family Residential and Retail / Service future land use categories . Multi‐Family Residential is incompatible with the Air Force land use recommendations in APZ II since only single‐ family detached units are recommended at a maximum density of two units per acre . Retail / Services land uses comprise a large portion of the future land use in the North APZ II . While many of the uses within commercial districts are generally compatible with the land use guidelines , the Retail / Commercial land use includes shopping centers , which are not compatible . Additionally , eating and drinking establishments are not compatible with APZ II . Some land designated Industrial and Park future land use is also in APZ II . These future land use categories are conditionally compatible provided the uses do not exceed the established non‐residential FAR for industrial uses and the parks are low intensity and exclude playgrounds and facilities that encourage the congregation of people such as club houses , meeting places , or auditoriums .
Zoning Figure 5‐14 shows conditionally compatible and incompatible zoning within the Safety Zones . Table 5‐16 shows the breakdown of acreage by zoning district within the safety zones . Acreages denoted in black are conditionally compatible acreages in black and acreages in red are incompatible . In total there are 549.08 acres zoned in the safety zones in D ’ Iberville , 280.40 acres of which are incompatible .
Within the North APZ I is land zoned for various commercial and residential uses . The residential zoning designations including Single‐Family Residential and Multi‐Family Residential ( R‐1 , R‐2 , R‐3 , R‐4 ) are incompatible in APZ I since residential uses are not recommended . The Interstate Commercial District ( C‐3 ), General Commercial District ( C‐2 ), and Neighborhood Commercial District ( C‐1 ) primarily allow commercial uses ; however , these zoning districts also permit medical facilities , which are incompatible in APZ I . The zoning district with the greatest amount of acreage in the North APZ I is the Waterfront District . This district allows a mix of residential , commercial and amusement , and gaming uses . Within this
zoning district , residential uses are incompatibl gaming due to the gathering of people they enc
Table 5-16
Zoning District
City of D ’ Iberville Zoning within the K APZ I
North General Commercial District ( C-2 ) 2.6 General Residential District ( R-3 ) 11.2 Interstate Commercial District ( C-3 ) - Multifamily Residential District ( R-4 ) - Neighborhood Commercial District ( C-1 ) 7.2 Single-Family Residential District ( R-1 ) 47.5 Single-family Residential District ( R-2 ) - Waterfront District ( WF ) 88.8
Note : Acreages in red are incompatible ; Acreages in compatible
The majority of the land within the North APZ II C‐3B , C‐3C , and C‐1 ), which comprises 269.69 a are generally compatible , these four commercia facilities , which are not compatible .
Compatibility is based on land use and not the z zoning district allows multiple land uses . An ass zoning districts within D ’ Iberville and APZ I and land use compatibility . Uses within these distri with the Air Force land use compatibility guidel Table 5‐17 .
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