Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 200

Incompatible Uses in Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones Incompatible land uses in the Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones create a safety concern .
The DoD has designated Safety Zones around military airfields comprising the CZ , APZ I , and APZ II that extend out from each end of a runway . Development is a concern in these areas because this is statistically where aircraft accidents have occurred in the past around military installations which is a risk assessment where accidents are more likely to occur due to aircraft flying at lower speeds and altitudes . The risk to people on the ground in the event of an aircraft accident is small ; however , the consequences associated with these incidents are high . Because of this potential impact , the Air Force has identified recommended land uses within airfield safety zones . The land uses are incorporated in Air Force Instruction ( AFI ) 32‐7063 , Air Installation Compatibility Use Zones ( AICUZ ) Program which defines land uses for studies . The land uses that are evaluated for compatibility in AFI 32‐7063 are based on the national Standard Land Use Coding Manual ( SLUCM ) developed by U . S . Department of Transportation ( DoT ) in 1977 . Because the SLUCM does not contain an exhaustive list of land uses , an interpretation of land uses within the cities has been made based on similar characteristics to those within the SLUCM where necessary . For instance SLUCM No . 58 Retail trade ‐ eating and drinking establishments is the only land use that would apply to bars , brewpubs , restaurants , and specialty eating establishments in the Biloxi Land Development Ordinance .
Because the Clear Zone is the area of highest probability where an accident is likely to occur , only open space and agricultural uses ( without structures ) are recommended within the CZ . Due to the potential hazard to the public , an installation may sometimes either acquire property within the CZ or purchase avigation easements on private property within the CZ to ensure the CZ is free from development .
The Accident Potential Zones ( APZ I and II ), loca CZ , have a lower safety risk potential due to the Though still considered a risk , land uses with re in the APZs to protect the public safety .
The following is an assessment of land use com existing land use , future land use , and zoning fo D ’ Iberville . The assessment compares the exist Geographical Information System ( GIS ) from ea use as depicted in each city ’ s Comprehensive Pl zoning districts and their associated permitted l the Zoning Ordinances and Land Development O provided by each city , to the land use recomme Instruction ( AFI ) 32‐7063 Air Installations Comp
This assessment determines which land uses wi compatible , conditionally compatible , or incom recommendations . The discussion of each jurisd compatibility is organized by the North Safety Z Zones to provide a clearer assessment of the la the Keesler AFB safety zones .
Existing Land Use Figure 5‐9 shows the conditionally compatible a land uses within the Safety Zones based on the recommendations . Table 5‐10 shows the break land use within the Safety Zones with condition black and incompatible acreages in red . In tota 220 acres in the Safety Zones in Biloxi , 144.85 a incompatible .
Page 5‐74