Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 197

Compatibility Assessment The development of Division Street Gate will include a permanent entry for commercial vehicles separate from the visitor entrances . The new gate will prompt the closure of the commercial gate , reducing traffic that passes through the Oak Park neighborhood . The development of Division Street Gate is further discussed in Issue IE‐1 .
• The commercial truck use at the Kensington Drive Gate is creating traffic concerns for nearby residents .
• The development of Division Street Gate will discontinue the use of Kensington Drive gate . to move around traffic easily . This can effect em the health risks of residents .
Compatibility Assessment Keesler AFB has evacuation procedures in emer evacuation measures are in place , they may stil the community .
• Temporary base gate closures have the p congestion on surrounding roadways , cau commuters and emergency responders . in place for storm related evacuations an
Significant Traffic during Temporary Base Gate Closures Temporary gate closures , due to weather , on base training , or security events , create traffic congestion on White Avenue and Irish Hill Drive .
Keesler AFB must conduct temporary gate closures during weather events , security events , and training . During the gate closures , traffic along White Avenue and Irish Hill Drive ( one of the only east‐west alternatives to U . S . Highway 90 ) may develop due to traffic exiting from the installation . If gate closures are not coordinated with local jurisdictions , congestion can cause delays to residents commuting through the community . High levels of traffic can also increase the risk of accidents and delay emergency responders within the community . This may be a concern especially for roadways which have only one lane travelling in one direction , such as Irish Hill Drive and Forrest Avenue , as emergency vehicles may not be able
Background Report