Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 193

Roadway Capacity (RC) Table 5-8 Roadway Level of Service Ratings   Roadway capacity relates to the ability of existing interstates, highways,  arterials, and other local roads to provide adequate mobility and access  between military installations and their surrounding communities.  As urban  development expands, roads once carrying limited local traffic begin to  function more as urban major arterial roadways.  These roads often become  the main transportation corridors for all traffic from residential to  commercial trucking, including access to military installations.  As  transportation systems grow and demand more capacity, these facilities  become congested and create delays for both military and non‐military  automobile users.  LOS Rating Definition A Represents a free‐flow operation. Vehicles are almost completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. B Represents reasonably free‐flow operation. Ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is slightly restricted. C Represents a traffic flow with speeds near or at free‐flow speed of the freeway. There is noticeable restricted ability to maneuver within the stream of traffic. D Speeds begin to decline with increased density. Ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is noticeably limited. E Operation is at capacity. Vehicles are closely spaced within the traffic stream and there are no useable gaps to maneuver. F A breakdown of vehicle flow is present. This condition exists within the queues forming behind the breakdown points. ACCEPTABLE Key Terms Level of Service.  Level of Service (LOS) is a common measurement used by  traffic engineers to determine the effectiveness of a traffic system.  This  grading system assigns a letter grade from A to F to roadways and  intersections based upon traffic flow and safety characteristics as shown in  Table 5‐8.  Roadway Capacity.  Roadway capacity refers to the ability of existing  freeways, highway, arterials and other local roads to provide adequate  mobility and access among military installations and their surrounding  communities.    Background Report  UNACCEPTABLE     Page 5‐67