Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 160

12 . Big box home improvement stores are not included as part of this category . 13 . Facilities must be low intensity , and provide no playgrounds , etc . Facilities such as club houses , meeting places , auditoriums , large classes , etc ., are not reco 14 . Activities that attract concentrations of birds creating a hazard to aircraft operations should be excluded . 15 . Factors to be considered : labor intensity , structural coverage , explosive characteristics , and air pollution . 16 . Lumber and timber products removed due to establishment , expansion , or maintenance of Clear Zone lands owned in fee will be disposed of in accordance w 17 . Controlled hunting and fishing may be permitted for the purpose of wildlife management .
18 . Surface mining operations that could create retention ponds that may attract waterfowl and present bird / wildlife aircraft strike hazards ( BASH ), or operations t that could affect pilot vision are not compatible .
19 . Naturally occurring water features ( e . g ., rivers , lakes , streams , wetlands ) are pre-existing , nonconforming land uses . Naturally occurring water features that at BASH . Actions to expand naturally occurring water features or construction of new water features should not be encouraged . If construction of new features is retention , such features should be designed so that they do not attract waterfowl .
20 . Amusement centers , family entertainment centers or amusement parks designed or operated at a scale that could attract or result in concentrations of people greater than 50 people per acre at any given time are incompatible in APZ II .
Encroachment of Keesler AFB Natural Gas Line A High Pressure Natural Gas Line runs 12 miles from the City of Gulfport through the City of Biloxi to Keesler AFB , traversing private properties including a single‐family residence . Keesler AFB has no control over the easement to ensure it remains free of encroachments .
Keesler AFB utilizes natural gas , which is derived from a commercial vender . The natural gas is carried to the installation through a 12.5 mile gas line extending from within the City of Gulfport through the City of Biloxi , into Keesler AFB . The Air Force owns a utility easement for the natural gas pipeline to Keesler AFB , which is a 30‐foot wide along the length of the pipeline .
The easement , which has been present since the 1950s , traverses a singlefamily residential property ; part of a home is built over the easement . The placement of the structure over the easement can create safety risks to residents as natural gas can cause accidents tha probability , could generate high risks . In additio the repair and maintenance of the pipeline , givi the pipeline , even parts of the easement that tr property . Although the easement traverses res placement does not restrict the availability of n
Due to the permitted easement on residential p for future encroachment onto the easement , fu risks to residents .
Compatibility Assessment Although Keesler AFB has ownership over the e no control over encroachment on the easemen does not provide disclosures for homes or othe on utility easements . Due to this , property own aware that they are exposed to potential risks d regular maintenance is required to pipelines on
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