Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 157

Table 5-2 Recommended Land Uses for Airfield Safety Zones (continued) Land Use SLUCM No. Land Use Name 63 Suggested Land Use Compatibility 1 Clear Zone APZ I APZ II Business services (credit reporting; mail, stenographic, reproduction; advertising) N N Y Maximum FAR 0.22 in APZ II 63.7 Warehousing and storage services (12) N Y Y 64 Repair services N Y Y 65 Professional services N N Y Maximum FAR 1.0 in APZ I; 2.0 in APZ II Maximum FAR 0.11 in APZ I; 0.22 in APZ II Maximum FAR 0.22 in APZ II 65.1 Hospitals, nursing homes N N N 65.1 Other medical facilities N N N 66 Contract construction services N Y Y 67 Government services N N Y 68 Educational services N N N 68.1 Child care services, child development centers, and nurseries N N N 69 Miscellaneous services N N Y 69.1 Religious activities (including places of worship) N N N 70 Cultural, entertainment and recreational 71 Cultural activities N N N 71.2 Nature exhibits N Y 13 Y 13 72 Public Assembly N N N 72.1 Auditoriums, concert halls N N N 72.11 Outdoor music shells, amphitheaters N N N 72.2 Outdoor sports arenas, spectator sports N N N Background Report  Density Maximum FAR 0.11 in APZ I; 0.22 in APZ II Maximum FAR 0.24 in APZ II Maximum FAR 0.22 in APZ II Page 5‐41