Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 151

Land Use ( LU )
The basis of land use planning and regulation relates to the government ’ s role in protecting the public ’ s health , safety , and welfare . Local jurisdictions ’ general plans and zoning ordinances can be the most effective tools for preventing or resolving land use compatibility issues . These tools ensure the separation of land uses that are incompatible in character . Land use separation also applies where the use of one property may adversely impact the use of another . For instance , industrial uses are often separated from residential uses to avoid impacts from noise , odors , and lighting .
Key Terms Land Use Planning . Land use planning stems from the Supreme Court decision of Euclid vs . Ambler which enabled jurisdictions to regulate land use through zoning land in order to protect the public ’ s health , safety , morals , and welfare . Zoning is a land use regulation tool used by local jurisdictions that generally controls use , density , intensity , building heights , and setbacks on a parcel or lot . Most states enacted enabling legislation for local jurisdictions to also create and adopt general or comprehensive plans which are land use documents that broadly establish a vision , goals , policies , and implementation activities for a jurisdiction over a long range period of time , typically ten to twenty years , to promote compatible land use , guide growth and logical development .
Local jurisdictions ’ general plans and zoning ordinances are the most effective tools to avoid and resolve land use compatibility issues . These tools ensure similar and compatible land uses are properly located and can co‐exist while separating land uses that differ significantly in use and potential nuisance .
Sensitive Land Uses . In terms of compatibility assessment , sensitive land uses are uses that are susceptible to , and effected by , nuisances such as noise , dust and air pollution . Sensitive land uses typically include residential areas , hospitals , convalescent homes and facilities , schools , libraries , churches , recreational areas , and other similar land uses .
Technical Background Land use planning around military installations evaluating other types of land uses . For instanc compatibility factors such as noise when locatin near commercial or industrial uses . As the land is developed — or the land between a local mun a military installation is developed both entities tenants , or building owners are typically not ful of locating in close proximity to an active milita training area .
Among the most pressing factors causing incom containing a military airfield are the proximate development , as well as off‐installation light po development which may impact the military op of land uses incompatible with the installations that installation ’ s mission success and its contin
Potential for Incompatible Accident Potential Zones The City of D ’ Iberville does no policies or land development development within the Accid associated with the Keesler A
The City of D ’ Iberville is located in line with the positioning parts of the city within Keesler AFB ’ of D ’ Iberville does not have land use regulation Keesler AFB safety zones in their 2015 Compreh Zoning Ordinance . Without guidance from a co regulations for densities , the City does not have restrict the scale of new development in Keesle
Background Report