Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 135

Although these practices are in place , Keesler AFB does not have a plan that focuses on the future impacts of climate variability on the installation and its mission .
Sources : http :// www . nwrc . usgs . gov /; 2013 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan for Keesler Air Force Base , Mississippi
• Keesler AFB is located in an area that is vulnerable to inundation .
• Keesler AFB has stringent construction requirements for new buildings exceeding FEMA standards .
• Keesler AFB does not have a long range plan to prepare for the long term effects that climate variability can have on the installation missions .
Potential for Climate Variability to Impact Surrounding Jurisdictions Outside of Keesler AFB The community is vulnerable to long‐term impacts from inundation due to climate variability including loss of access to Keesler Medical Center .
Inundation can have a long term effect on the community surrounding Keesler AFB . Increased development in the community creates a proliferation of impervious surfaces , which increases runoff into the municipal stormwater drainage system . This could contribute to flooding if the stormwater conveyance system cannot manage the amount of runoff during heavy rainfall events . flood waters by storing water in trees and plant at which flood waters enter upland areas by con water dispersal across the floodplain .
One area susceptible to potential future floodin flows from the Back Bay of Biloxi as far as Divisi AFB and the City of Biloxi are currently planning accommodate traffic for a new main gate at Div improvements include stormwater drainage ap designed to handle anticipated stormwater flow
Sources : https :// www . nrdc . org / resources ; http :// risk http :// www . srh . noaa . gov / lmrfc
Compatibility Assessment The City of Biloxi has adopted a Hazard Mitigati Plan which discusses the vulnerability of Biloxi r inundation . Additionally , the City is conducting to consider the impacts of climate variability . F incorporated in the next iteration of the Hazard
The City of Biloxi is implementing the Restore B the restructuring of some of the storm drains in the storm drainage system would help manage water that could mitigate future impacts of floo
Harrison County has adopted a multi‐jurisdictio and included the participation of the cities of Bi Keesler AFB ; however , the action plan does not variability .
One positive contributor to combatting the impacts from inundation and subsidence is vegetation . The natural environment can act as a buffer for
Background Report