Keesler JLUS Background Report keesler_background_report | Page 119

The selection and inclusion of strategies is directly and indirectly affected by the evaluation of issues . Issues were prioritized into four different categories with an associated timeframe to determine the timeframe for initiating strategies by the primary and partner agencies . These strategies are provided in the JLUS Report Chapter 6 Implementation Plan .
When reviewing the assessment information in this chapter , it is important to note the following :
• This chapter provides a technical background on the factors and issues discussed based on available information . The intent is to provide an adequate context for awareness , education , and development of JLUS recommendations . It is not designed or intended to be utilized as an exhaustive technical evaluation of existing or future conditions within the Study Area .
• Of the 25 compatibility factors considered , 7 were determined to be inapplicable to this JLUS and not addressed in the compatibility assessment in this chapter :
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Cultural Resources Energy Development Frequency Spectrum Capacity Housing Availability Scarce Natural Resources Vibration Water Quality / Quantity
• Each issue is evaluated based on an applicable set of existing tools . These existing tools are meant to illustrate what is currently in place that can be used to mitigate the compatibility issue . Though existing tools may not always directly aid compatibility , they provide a foundation to help create strategies for future implementation .
Background Report