Keepmoat Homes - HR Documents gender pay infogrpahic FINAL

It is no secret that like many industries, the housing industry suffers from gender imbalance particularly around senior levels. Keepmoat Homes is committed to attracting the right people with the right skills into the organisation at all levels. We want to recruit the best people and are keen to support initiatives to attract more women into the industry. Keepmoat Homes realises the benefits that diversity brings to the organisation and is working hard to break down the perceptions which have made the industry less attractive to women. The Gender Pay Gap Gender Pay not Equal Pay Gender Pay calculates the pay gap between men and women within a business. It is different to Equal Pay which is the difference in pay between men and women who have the same or similar (equal) roles, this is something that Keepmoat Homes is also committed to regularly monitoring. 15.0% 23.9% Our Mean (average) Gender Pay Gap is Our Median (middle) Gender Pay Gap is The pay and bonus gaps are reflective of the fact that we have fewer women in senior leadership positions and in roles which attract higher pay and bonus potential. As previously described, this is due to the challenges we face recruiting women into construction. Pay Quartiles This chart shows the proportion of men and women in each pay band ordered from lowest to highest quartile and highlights our imbalance in men and women in our upper pay quartiles. 81.9% 80% 70% 50% 55.1% 40% Our Median (middle) Gender Bonus Gap is 53.8% 46.2% 44.9% 20% 32.7% 45.3% 64.4% of women received a Bonus 36.4% 30% 18.1% 32.6% of women did not receive a Bonus 58.0% of men received a Bonus 10% 0% The proportion of men and women receiving a bonus is similar, however, the size of the bonus gap reflects the fact that we have more men at senior levels than women. Our Mean (average) Gender Bonus Gap is 63.6% 60% Bonus Lower Quartile Lower Middle Upper Middle Quartile Quartile Women Men Upper Quartile 42.0% of men did not receive a Bonus