Keele University Student Charter | Page 14



We will :
Provide appropriate , timely and accurate information about student arrival , induction , programmes , finance and support .
You are expected to :
Take part in the Welcome Week and induction to studying at Keele , which will be relevant to your background and needs . It will provide information about professional support and guidance services for all students on academic , personal , relationship and living issues .
We will :
Allocate to you a named personal tutor / advisor , with whom regular meetings will be arranged . Personal tutors / advisors will be responsive to academic and welfare issues that students bring to their attention and guide them to appropriate support . You will be entitled to change your personal tutor / advisor . Provide a range of support and guidance services to support you , as appropriate and dependent upon you disclosing relevant information to us , throughout your time at Keele .
You are expected to :
Attend the meetings arranged with your personal tutor . You will keep them informed of changing circumstances and respond to communications . You are also asked to prepare fully for each of your meetings with your personal tutor . If you use the support and guidance services , keep them informed of changing circumstances , respond to communications , and attend meetings as agreed .
We will :
Aim to support your personal and professional development and future career development through providing a range of opportunities for you to choose to engage with .
You are asked to :
Engage with personal and professional development activities alongside and throughout your academic work .
We will :
Provide you with an opportunity to keep in touch with Keele after you graduate via the Alumni Office .
You have the opportunity to :
Provide us with your key contact information on an ongoing basis – we would also welcome your continued contact with our Alumni Team after completion of your studies .