Keele University Prospectus Undergraduate | 2017 | Page 99

1 No. in the UK for Geology and Physical Geography (2015 NSS) Helen Doherty Find out more info Learn a language alongside your degree for free! Geology and Physical Geography, graduated 2008 PhD 2014 I am currently with Shell’s New Ventures Exploration Department as an Exploration Geoscientist for the Deal Delivery Asia Pacific Team. Both of my degrees at Keele gave me a great technical foundation for the role I have been placed in at Shell. Keele offers fabulous field courses – for me these courses were the highlight of my undergraduate degree and where I learned how to apply the knowledge I had been absorbing from the lectures and labs. It was on these courses that I discovered a real passion for geology and really felt capable to forge forward into my PhD. Smart minds choose Keele 99