Keele University Prospectus Undergraduate | 2016 | Page 60

NATURAL SCIENCES Biomedical Science Overview Biomedical Science is a unique opportunity to investigate the scientific basis of human health, disease and therapies. It forms the basis of the 21st century approach to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease and related areas of research. At Keele we provide a research informed education delivered by internationally recognised researchers and both clinical and diagnostic practitioners. We are committed to your academic and professional development and our curriculum is designed to maximise a broad range of desirable employability skills. We are proud of the interdisciplinary nature of the Keele programme and attention to focused learning that adds context and value to your work. Through the study of biomedical science you will gain a thorough grounding in mammalian biology and biochemistry and a detailed appreciation of the relationship between normal metabolic events and those disturbances of cell structures, intercellular signalling systems and the immune system that contribute to pathophysiology. You will also experience valuable insight into core subject areas such as clinical chemistry, haematology and transfusion science, cellular pathology, medical microbiology, virology, clinical immunology and human genetics. Overall you will gain a deep appreciation of the biology of human disorders and understand disease processes from a medical practitioner’s perspective. Course content First year Nature’s Tools: Proteins and Enzymes examines the structure and function of proteins. Metabolism: Major Metabolic Pathways demonstrates how we derive and utilise chemical energy from food products to sustain life. Introduction to Human Physiology and Human Physiology and Pathology describes human anatomy and physiology and relates that to pathological changes that occur during disease processes. Cells and Organelles explores the field of cell biology and considers structure and communication of prokaryotic/eukaryotic cells. 60 Second year Medical Laboratory Sciences I and II discuss the role of biomedical scientists in the NHS to develop a critical appreciation of the analytical, clinical and diagnostic role of modern pathology services. Molecular, Cellular and Structural Immunology considers the complex relationship between invading pathogens and the cellular basis of the immune response. Gene and Protein Engineering explores advances in recombinant DNA technology and genomics. Metabolism in Health and Disease explores the specialisation of metabolism within man and association with inherited and acquired disease. Research and Analytical Skills train you in core research and analytical skills relevant to a range of bioscience disciplines. You will also choose any two of the following modules: • Human Genetics • Endocrinology and Cell Signalling • Professional Relationships • One from a range of electives offered across the University Third year The third year is the culmination of your studies and allows you the opportunity to apply skills that you have developed whilst completing 30 credits of independent research; a double module of experimental research or a single experimental module plus a non-experimental research module. Acquisition, Analysis and Communication of Information develops the skills required for retrieving and interpreting published research and analysing and communicating experimental data. Biology of Disease trains you to conduct an independently researched critical appraisal of a specific disease. You can also specialise in areas that most inspire you by choosing four of the following options: • Structural Biology and Macromolecular Function • Behavioural Neurobiology Information and Inheritance introduces fundamentals of molecular biology. • Neurobiological Basis of Brain Disease Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences illustrates how scientific understandings of disease mechanisms are put into practice by biomedical scientists. • Human Parasitology Case Studies in Medicine is taught exclusively through small, student-led tutorials to develop a range of professional skills through problem-based learning of clinical cases. • Biochemistry and Therapy of Disease • Advances in Medicine • Case Studies in Biomedical Science • Clinical Pathology • Neurobiology of Vision and Hearing