KD 2016 | Page 30

6 8 10 11-13 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 29 30 32 34-37 38-41 42 44-47 48-51 52 54 56-59 60-65 snaprex wood MADE IN EU design by KD b tsum dna ynapmoc regnüdtsnuk fo ytreporp yats dna era slairetam dna selpmas ,stnemucod lla .regnüdtsnuk yb tnemeerga roirp tuohtiw neddibrof yltcirts si ,strap ni osla ,gnitcudorper ro gnitubirtsid ,gniypoc yna .noitcetorp thgirypoc fo wal dilav lanoitanretni dna lanoitan ot tkejbus era ynapmoc regnüdtsnuk fo ngised lairtsudni dna stpecnoc ,stnirpeulb ,stcejorp lla noitcetorp thgirypoc 05,4 IT il legno incontra l‘acrilico: snaprex wood espositore da ta volo bifacciale stupisce grazie alla base elegante e alla sua tasca in acrilico di eccellente resistenza. una soluzione perfetta per inserire fogli singoli che potrà stampare dal suo computer personale e cambiare velocemente e in qualsiasi momento. un sistema ideale e di aspetto naturale per esporre menu, informazioni e listini in albergo, sul punto vendita e in showroom. 012 841 501 033 342 181 mm03 mm57 3 snaprex wood A4 DE holz trifft acryl: der doppelseitige tischaufsteller snaprex wood punktet mit seiner eleganten holzbasis und einer klassischen info-tasche aus acryl. hier können einzelblätter, die sie einfach am eigenen pc gestalten, schnell und einfach eingesetzt und jederzeit getauscht werden. der zweiseitige aufsteller snaprex wood für tisch und theke ist der ideale info-, menü- und preisschildhalter im hotel, restaurant, geschäft und showroom. EN wood meets acrylic: the double-sided counter display snaprex wood scores with its elegant wooden base and its classic information pocket made of acrylic. you can insert single sheets quickly and easily and change them easily anytime you want. the two sided display for counter and desk is perfect as information holder, as menu and price tag for hotels, restaurants, shops and showrooms. kt to national and international valid law of copyright protection. any copying, distributing or reproducting, also in parts, is strictly forbidden without prior agreement by kunstdünger. all documents, samples and materials are and stay property of kunstdünger company and must be restited on request. 4,50 148 create e stampate il layout semplicemente con il pc layout am eigenen pc gestalten und ausdrucken 105 design and print with your own workstation 3 181 243 information 30mm 2 A4 1 A5 A6 hbmg/lrs 3A thgiew/osep/thciweg 30 g37.0701 lairetam/elairetam/lairetam 7 teibegebreweg / avittudorp.z onazzev )ZB( srednalhcs / ordnalis 82093 I 006147 3740 93+.xaf 005147 3740 93+.let 148mm üdtsnuk >tgelegtsef thcin< lairreegtanM gninihcam/enoizaroval/gnutiebrarev regnüdtsnuk mm A legno: faggio holz: buche 105mm /erusim/eßam 75mm tinu/àtinu/tiehnie zip erusim ittut 210mm tneilc/etneilc/ednuk tcejorp/ottegorp/tkejorp tcejorp/ottegorp/tkejorp .rn wood: beech snaprex wood 1 SNLA6 snaprex wood A6, 1pc 2 SNLA5 snaprex wood A5, 1pc 3 SNLA4 snaprex wood A4, 1pc