Karen Weaver's Fight for Clean Water November 2017 | Page 21

WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY - Take showers instead of baths. - Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. - Dispose of waste like grease, medicine and household cleaners, responsibly. - Remember no amount of lead is safe. Get your water tested and install water filters. - Plant trees. - Plant drought resistant, and native plants. - Clear your storm drain, and gutters regularly. - Install more efficient showerheads, toilets and water heaters. - Learn about sustainable alternatives like: porous pavements, green alleys, green roofs, tree boxes, rain barrels, and rain gardens to reduce run-off and prevent community sewage overflows. - Learn about local source water protection efforts. - - Join a water shed alliance or river clean-up. We’ve only got one Earth. Write to your elected officials to let them know you care about improving our water quality. Although pollution, population growth and climate change may impact water availability and cost, there are many things that we can do, as individuals, and as communities to conserve water and keep our water ways cleaner. Together we can help Mother Nature and improve our water delivery system for cleaner water for all.