Kanguq | Page 18

Nouvelles des coops / ᑯᐊᐯᑦ ᑐᓴᕋᑦᓴᖏᑦ / Co-op News Coopérative de Kangirsujuaq L’ancien magasin près de la plage a été converti en hôtel. Un nouveau magasin de près de 12 000 pieds carrés a été ouvert il y a près d’un an. Un entrepôt de près de 8 000 pieds carrés sera terminé en 2014. L’hôtel de 14 chambres sera terminé le 15 décembre 2014. Coopérative de Quaqtaq Construction d’une nouvelle coop d’environ 8 200 pieds carrés et d’un entrepôt de 2 500 pieds carrés, qui seront terminés en décembre. Coopérative de Kuujjuaraapik La coop sera agrandie d’environ 3 200 pieds carrés, et un nouvel entrepôt d’environ 3 000 pieds carrés sera construit. Coopérative de Kuujjuaq Construction d’un nouveau magasin d’environ 8 200 pieds carrés et d’un entrepôt de 2 500 pieds carrés, lesquels seront terminés en décembre. ᑲᖏ3ᓱᔪᐊᑉ ᑯᐊᐸᖓ ᓂᐅᕕᕐᕕᕕᓂᖓ ᓯᔾᔭᒦᑦᑐᖅ ᓯᓂᒃᑕᕕᖕᖑᑎᑕᐅᓯᒪᓕᕐᑐᖅ. ᓄᑖᒥᒃ ᓂᐅᕕᕐᕕᒥ ᐅᒃᑯᐃᓯᓚᐅᔪᒻᒥᔪᑦ !@,))) i4 wbZᓕᒻᒥᒃ ᓯᒃᑭᑕᓂᒃ ᐊᕐᕌᒎᓕᖅᑯᖅ. ᓱᓇᑐᐃᓐᓇᑯᕕᖃᐅᑎᒥᒃ *,))) ᓂᒃ ᐃᑕᖓᓂᒃ ᓯᒃᑭᑕᓂᒃ ᐊᖏᓂᓕᒻᒥᒃ ᐱᔭᕇᕐᑕᐅᔨᐊᖃᓛᓯᒻᒥᔪᑦ @)!$ᒥ. ᓯᓂᒃᑕᕕᒃ !$ᓂᒃ ᐃᓪ ᓗᐊᕈᓯᓕᒃ ᖃᕆᐊᓕᒃ ᓴᓇᔭᐅᒌᓛᓕᕐᑐᖅ !% ᐋᒡᔪᓕᐅᑦ GᑎᓯᒻᐱEH @)!$ᒥ. ᖁᐊ3ᑕᐅᑉ ᑯᐊᐸᖓ ᓄᑖᖅ ᑯᐊᐸᐅᑉ ᓂᐅᕕᕐᕕᓴᖓ ᓴᓇᔭᐅᔪᖅ ᐊᖏᓂᓕᒃ *,@))ᓂᒃ ᐃᑕᒐᕐᓂᒃ ᓯᒃᑭᑕᓂᒃ ᓱᓇᑐᐃᓐᓇᑯᕕᓗ @,%))i4 xqic3uJ6, b7mᒋᒃ ᐱᔭᕇᕐᑕᐅᓗᑎᒃ ᐋᒡᔪᓕᐅᑦᒥ. ᑰᔾᔪᐊᕌᐱᐅᑉ ᑯᐊᐸᖓ ᑯᐊᐸᖓᑕ ᓂᐅᕕᕐᕕᖓ ᐊᖏᓪᓕᒋᐊᕐᑕᐅᔪᖅ #,@))ᓂᒃ ᐃᑕᒐᕐᓄᑦ ᓯᒃᑭᑕᓄᑦ, ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᓄᑖᖅ ᓱᓇᑐᐃᓐᓇᑯᕕᖃᐅᑎᑦᓴᖓ ᓴᓇᔭᐅᓛᕐᒥᑎᓗᒍ. ᑰᔾᔪᐊᑉ ᑯᐊᐸᖓ ᑯᐊᐸᖓᑕ ᓂᐅᕕᕐᕕᖓ ᓄᑖᖅ ᓴᓇᔭᐅᔪᖅ *,@))i4 y4rbi4 wbZo4 kᑖᒍᒻᒥᔪᕐᓗ ᓱᓇᑐᐃᓐᓇᑯᕕᖃᐅᑎᑦᓴᖓ @,%))i4 xqic3uJ6, ᑕᒪᕐᒥᒃ ᓴᓇᒌᕐᑕᐅᓗᑎᒃ ᐋᒡᔪᓕᐅᑦ ᑕᖅᑭᖓᓂ. Puvirnituq “I went along with the men each time they went mining for soapstone, and watched them sculpt and learned from them. Lucasiapik Tukaluk gave me advice when I began to sell my carvings, he would tell me what I could improve. He also gave me a name that would help to differentiate me from another man with the same name. Because I was the younger one I became Peter Boy Ittukallak, and eventually that was how I came to be known.” During this time, Father Steinmann assisted the Sculptors’ Society to market their sculptures in the south and they were later able to buy merchandise to sell to their members. He also trained people in bookkeeping and managing their new store. By 1962, even a Caisse populaire was opened in ]