Kanguq | Page 17

Coopérative en vedette / ᑯᐊᐸ ᐅᓂᒃᑳᑕᐅᔪᖅ / Co-op Spotlight Puvirnituq numerous because of decline in their populations and changes in migration routes and walrus hunting grounds very far. The Ivujivimmiut, on the other hand, had a good number of seals and walrus nearer to their communities. “When Umikallak came to Puvirnituq, he saw people struggling to make a living, and the hardship they experienced when the Hudson Bay Company’s budget would run out during the year for the purchase of carvings. Furthermore the price of fur had gotten very low and Inuit searched for other sources of money. He wondered how he could help. So it was in 1958/59 that Charlie Sivuaraapik, Peter Angutiggiq, and Aisa Koperqualuk travelled with him to the United States and southern Canada to see how they could earn more money for Inuit. I remember Charlie