Kalendar2018 kalendar_2018FIN | Page 20

Cena Viery Zavarčíkovej


7 . ročník Medzinárodnej súťaže grafického dizajnu stredných škôl

Čestné uznanie

Adrián Gubrica

CD booklet Střepy
SSUŠ animovanej tvorby Bratislava , SR
01 Nic novýho 03:39 02 Blázen 03:01 03 Noční směna / feat . Strapo / 03:34 04 Lóvesong 03:19 05 Střepy 03:52 06 Nepiš / feat . Idea , Martin Svátek / 03:48 07 Mám to jinak 03:23 08 Amok 02:44 09 Revizor / feat . Separ , Majself / 03:47 10 V moci démonů / feat . Boy Wonder / 04:29 11 Sklerotik 03:15 12 L . S . D . / feat . Paulie Garand , Martin Svátek / 03:59 13 Smířená 03:09 14 Smrtelník / feat . Majself / 03:24 15 Raz , dva 03:51 16 Správnej čas , místo / feat . MVP / 03:40 17 Pane Bože 03:45
DJ Fatte je dlouhodobě jedním z nejvíc produktivních beatmakerů na území Česka a Slovenska . Přes prvotní pokusy se do vážnějšího kontaktu s muzikou dostal v roce 1999 , kdy se stal členem zlínské kapely De Fuck To . Tady se produkčně podílel na archivní demo nahrávce a dvou plnohodnotných albech . Po tvůrčích neshodách Fatte v roce 2006 De Fuck To opustil a společně s Ideou stál u zrodu IdeaFatte . Od té doby Fatteova tvorba jede jako na běžícím páse . 4 studiové desky s IF , album Premiéra a Střepy .
Rest se přes počáteční projekty a pokusy dostal do širšího povědomí hlavně díky rapovým freestyle battlům . Prvním počinem pod Ty Nikdy byla zlomová deska Premiéra , kterou kompletně vyprodukoval DJ Fatte . Premiéra díky beatům , rapu a tématům zaznamenala obrovský úspěch a z Resta se tak v podstatě během noci stal jeden z předních rapových interpretů .
Jak každý správný album , ani tento by nemohl fungovat bez správných lidí . Tvrdé texty , pravdivé myšlenky , to vše mají na starosti hosté na mikrofonu . Tentokrát se na tomhle počine podílej label kolegové Idea , Paulie Garand a Boy Wonder . Z dalších to jsou kapela MVP a taky slovenský interpreti jako Strapo , Separ , Majself , a zpěvák Martin Svátek .
Finálna verzia
Finálna verzia
Finálna verzia
Samuel Határ 4 . A
3D vizualizácia
Netradičná reklama

Čestné uznanie

Samuel Határ

CD , DVD , VINYL BOX limitovaná edícia Sharzall
SSUŠ animovanej tvorby Bratislava , SR

Čestné uznanie

Adrián Husár

Kalendár Abstrakcia
SOŠ Sv . Jozefa Robotníka Žilina , SR
1 . NE
1 2 . PO Alexandra , Katarina
3 . UT Daniela 4 . ST Drahoslav 5 . ŠT Andrea 6 . PI Antónia 7 . SO Bohuslav 8 . NE Severín
2 9 . PO Alexej
10 . UT Dáša 11 . ST Malvína 12 . ŠT Ernest 13 PI Rastislav 14 . SO Radovan 15 . NE Dobroslav
3 16 . PO Kristína
17 . UT Nataša 18 . ST Bohdana 19 . ŠT Drahomíra , mário 20 . PI Dalibor 21 . SO Vincent 22 . NE Zora
4 23 . PO Miloš
24 . UT Timotej 25 . ST Gejza 26 . ŠT Tamara 27 . PI Bohuš


1 . SO Hugo 2 . NE Zita
14 3 . PO Richard 4 . UT Izidor 5 . ST Miroslava 6 . ŠT Irena 7 . PI Zoltán 8 . SO Albert 9 . NE Milena
15 10 . PO Igor 11 . UT Július 12 . ST Estera
13 ŠT Aleš 14 . PI Justína 15 . SO Fedor 16 . NE Dana , Danica
16 17 . PO Rudolf , Rudolfa 18 . UT Valér 19 . ST Jela 20 . ŠT Marcel 21 . PI Ervin 22 . SO Slavomír 23 . NE Vojtech
17 24 . PO Juraj 25 . UT Marek 26 . ST Jaroslava 27 . ŠT Jaroslav 28 . PI Jarmila 29 . SO Lea 30 . NE Anastázia


18 1 . PO
2 . UT Žigmund 3 . ST Galina 4 . ŠT Florián 5 . PI Lesia , Lesana 6 . SO Hermína 7 . NE Monika
19 8 . PO Ingrida 9 . UT Roland 10 . ST Viktória 11 . ŠT Blažena 12 . PI Pankrác
13 SO Servác 14 . NE Bonifác
20 15 . PO Žofia , Sofia 16 . UT Svetozár 17 . ST Gizela , Aneta 18 . ŠT Viola 19 . PI Gertrúda 20 . SO Bernard 21 . NE Zina
21 22 . PO Júlia , Juliana 23 . UT Želmíra 24 . ST Ela 25 . ŠT Urban , Viven 26 . PI Dušan 27 . SO Iveta 28 . NE Viliam
22 29 . PO Vilma 30 . UT Ferdinand 31 . ST Petrana , Petronela


1 . ST Denis , Denisa 2 . ŠT 3 . PI Hubert 4 . SO Karol 5 . NE Imrich
45 6 . PO Renáta 7 . UT René 8 . ST Bohumír 9 . ŠT Teodor 10 . PI Tibor 11 . SO Martin , Maroš 12 . NE Svätopluk
46 13 PO Stanislav 14 . UT Irma 15 . ST Leopold 16 . ŠT Agnesa 17 . PI Klaudia 18 . SO Eugen 19 . NE Alžbeta
47 20 . PO Félix 21 . UT Elvíra 22 . ST Cecília 23 . ŠT Klement 24 . PI Emília 25 . SO Katarína 26 . NE Kornel
48 27 . PO Milan 28 . UT Henrieta 29 . ST Vratko 30 . ŠT Ondrej , Andrej


28 . SO Alfonz
29 . NE Gašpar
5 30 . PO Ema
31 . UT Emil
I kept a kite hidden in my workshop where the priests couldn ’ t find it . I unfolded the kite from its dusty box and told Bianca she could fly it for a few minutes . I tried to see if the priests were in the woods but only saw owls sidestepping through the snow . I said to try again after the kite failed to take off . A hand pushed the kite to the ground . She tried a few more times , and the kite slammed downward . I saw a cloud shaped like a hand . I thought of Bianca and her happiness like bricks in mud . It ’ s February , said Bianca . I said , I ’ m sorry this didn ’ t work out . We can try again . What ’ s the point , she said . It ’ s the end of flight . It ’ s February . The point , I said , is to keep trying for the sake of trying . That week we attempted to fly the kite each night . But what felt like a wind gust on my skin wasn ’ t enough to carry the kite . I went into my workshop , grabbed some glass jars , and back outside I handed them to Bianca . I took the kite and ran as fast I could . I ran like a madman , my mouth open in a sad air-swallowing attempt , heard Bianca laughing in the distance , looked dreamed of Selah and Bianca holding hands with August , carried the kite at my shoulder until I let it go and felt it collapse on my back . I fell face-first on the ground , ate snow and mud , tore my knee open on a rock . Back up the hill , Bianca swirled the glass jars through the air . The kites on her arms twitched . Here , she said , handing me the jars with careful , kite-stringed fingers . They are full now . Maybe the Professor can figure out what is wrong with our sky . Maybe we can figure out February .
He throws the covers off the bed . He looks around the room . He looks under the bed . He looks in the closet . He looks in the hallway . He looks at his feet . He looks at the bed . He looks at the bed . Bianca ’ s bed is a mound of snow and teeth . Bianca is gone .
In her room he notices that the window is open and snow is blowing in .
the first light box . When the pounding of metal , the sawing of wood , the breaking of glass , the tearing of paper stopped on the night of the fifth day , he emerged with his face covered in black grease and arms bloodied . It ’ s finished , he told Thaddeus . He picked glass from his knuckles with his teeth and spit them out . Let ’ s begin the meeting so I can explain the effectiveness of light boxes . The War Effort gathered . They watched the Professor lift the light box over his head and set it down until it was tight against his shoulders . In his right hand he held a dented metal box that had a cord attached . Lifting the metal box , he said in a muffled voice , Now , this is the power supply that when switched will simulate the light of the sun which we haven ’ t seen in a year . The light box itself was constructed of wood fastened at odd angles with metal clamps , except for the front , which was a panel of glass . The top of the glass was where the light was going to shine — bulbs , the Professor called them . As he toggled the switch , everyone could see the sadness and frustration in his face , his eyes looking up at the bulbs as his head jerked from side to side . The switch clicked uselessly . He violently shook the metal box . He clutched the sides of his head and lost his balance a little . Then the stench of burning leaves , and the bulbs bloomed crystal white across his face . The War Effort cheered . Some ran out into the snow-filled plains to mock the sky . Others took turns fitting the box over their heads , letting the light soak into their winter beards , their tongues tasting the blood from their splitting lips .
When Thaddeus went back into the woods the three children weren ’ t there . Thaddeus looked up and saw the owls on a branch . He asked them if they had seen the three children . Owls can ’ t speak , and Thaddeus felt foolish . He walked around looking for footprints . A parchment was nailed to the tree . It stated that the three children had been kidnapped and should be added to the catalog of missing children .
List Written by February and Carried in February ’ s Corduroy Coat Pocket 1 . I am not a bad person . I have enjoyed June , July and August like everyone else . 2 . I fed you dandelions and picked the stems from your teeth with my tongue . 3 . You smell of honey and smoke . That ’ s what I call you . Girl who smells of honey and smoke . But you ’ re more than that . You ’ re a field of dandelions . 4 . I have this nightmare where I ’ m standing in the field of dandelions holding a scythe . The horizon is children marching . Each child holds one of your teeth . 5 . I ’ m so confused it almost feels calm . 6 . I am guilty of kidnapping children . I am guilty of Bianca and causing great pain to Thaddeus and Selah and the town . 7 . I want to be a good person , but I ’ m not .

Čestné uznanie

Anastasia Ivanovna Maksimyuk

Publikácia Shane Jones , Light boxes
SSUŠ animovanej tvorby Bratislava , SR
20 21
War Member Six ( Green Bird Mask )
The first hot-water attack takes place from our home on the hill . We spend the first night filling large buckets with boiling water . We keep them hot by lighting small fires with piles of tree branches . We pour the buckets downhill toward the town . A cloud of steam rises into the sky as wide , empty trenches expand in the snow .
The War Effort applauds like they are watching theater . The midget does somersaults down the hill . For a moment yellow streaks the sky . When I angle my face into the rays of sun , I notice the sky trembling around one of the holes . I see footprints running from the first to the second hole , where the dangling feet are no longer visible . I tell Selah to look up . She does but says she doesn ’ t see anything except the clouds separating a little . And then the sky flutters like a flag , and then it goes black like closed curtains of wool .
The hot water worked better than we imagined . There was some flooding on account of the melted snow , but we used most of it to refill the buckets . February is breaking apart at the horizon seams . There are few clouds . The sky is a soft blue . The children ’ s cheeks are flushed red from the sun .
People in town laughed today . Someone even skipped . The first sprouts of green crops can be seen on the hillside . The town feels alive and productive again . We have won an early battle against February but know that anything can happen . For instance , there have been reports from the messengers that dark clouds are cascading from the mountain peaks . Grizzly bears were seen buttoning deer-skinned coats in case of freezing temperatures . The carpenters have boarded up their windows and refuse to leave their homes . They mumble sadness . Sadness sounds like bubbles blowing slowly in stream water .
THE GIRL WHO SMELLED OF HONEY and smoke enjoyed collecting old books on plants . One night while out on the cottage porch sitting on the swinging bench with February , she opened to a chapter about vines and moss . One page had twelve different pictures of skinny green vines climbing the side of a Victorian brick house .
When the girl stood up to go inside and check on the pot roast she kissed February on his forehead . February flipped through the plant book until he stopped at a picture that showed a deer skeleton in a forest , spores of moss covering the white bone .
In only a week , the caption read , this deer skeleton will be blanketed with a spongy green moss .
The girl came back outside . She asked if he found anything interesting . She said the pot roast was ready . February nodded .
He said that he liked the idea of moss .

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