K-OODI Magazine May 2016, Issue 5 | Page 58

ON DEPRESSION & HEARTACHE Text by Brian Dale Illustration (opposite page) by Kimmo Matias So sorry am I the many of you right now swirling thru horrid skullscapes of loss & dread & horror; without stars to follow nor compass for navigation, howling howling howling in hopeless night -- regretting everything past & dreading imagined futures, unable to find lost soul & self; bereft, in a vortex of self-pity & numb despair, you circle the drain of your dreams in faceless agony. Know you all that forever is not this, that it is but a storm of circumstance, or a set of broken neurons deep in your heart's core sparking these tempests of terror. This too shall pass, you must but endure, as endure you've done before & shall do again later. Stronger still are you, whether you have knowledge of it or not. Batten the hatches, stop all the leaks of life & force, avoid decisions of permanent nature & lick your wounds well, waiting for the tornado of loss to pass you by so you can again rebuild & be well & be whole. Brian Dale (c) May 7, 2016