K-OODI Magazine May 2016, Issue 5 | Page 14

empower young people to speak out about their experiences with bullying through arts. We publish their work on our website - youwillriseproject.com - and we lead workshops and organize exhibitions and public art installations to raise awareness about this important and complex issue. Bullies try to make their victims feel silenced, so our project is all about giving them a voice and helping them realize they aren't alone. Check it out at youwillriseproject.com. As a survivor of bullying I thank you for what you are doing. I was bullied from 5th to 9th grade. That every day nightmare, together with emotional abuse I had to endure simultaneously from another source, left quite a mark on me. I see the remains of those old insecurities, fears and beliefs still working in me. For me the savior was art; first writing, then drawing/painting, design, music... I think I've tried almost everything except dance - although I've wanted to try that too! Art is very powerful tool to overcome things. Do you have similar experiences (of bullying) and do you feel that by creating you are using art as a vehicle or even as a therapeutic tool to overcome things of the past or even something happening currently? Very much so! The idea for the project grew out of a