K-OODI Magazine March 2016, Issue 4 | Page 156

artists to determine. No one teaches you to price your work in art school. Do you have any helpful words for beginning artists who are battling to put a price on their art? Any projects you are currently working on? It's difficult. My pictures are my children, my lovers, the paintings are my life. So sometimes I just don't want to sell them. I don't set prices, a friend who's in the art business helps. For more information on Lars Deike, go here: What influences your art the most? My sexuality, my moods, my emotions, your mood, the weather, heat, sun. If you would not be allowed to paint anymore, what other medium would you choose to explore and why? Hey, don't tell me that I am not allowed to paint anymore - it's my life! Don't want to tell yet. But I will go deeper... www.deike.de https://www.facebook.com/larsdeike.paintings https://www.facebook.com(deike.de https://www.facebook.com/DeikeFotostudio-382287538628896/?fref=ts