Junior 5´s Stories - Food Stories | Page 9


In Puerto Rico, we went to Ricardo’s plantation for some sugar. “Hey Ricardo!, we need some sugar!” “yes! you’ve come to the right place, I have the best sugar in the world! what do you want to do?” “we want to do banana pudding!” said Diego more quickly than me. “Perfect! but if you need some milk… the best milk is in the moon…” so we took our bikes and we went to the NASA to go to the moon!!!!!!

When we were in the moon, we visited Vianka and asked her for some milk. “you are in the right place, to visit and to get some milk. What do you want to do?” “we are going to make some banana pudding!” we all answered. We took some milk and we went to our house, then, we ate it and in a couple of hours we are going to Europe, but… what we can eat on the plane?

Here is the recipe of the banana pudding:

Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 egg, 150gr of butter, 1 cup of cream, 1 cup of sugar, 2 cups of flour, some milk.

Chop the bananas.

Crack the egg and beat it.

Melt the butter and add it to the mixture.

In another bowl, pour the cream, the milk, the flour and the sugar and mix everything together.

Mix all the ingredients and bake it for 30 minutes.