June 2016 | Page 77

and wholeness. This is who we are in this less than perfect world, which is actually perfect. Can we love the imperfection as much as the perfection? The best way to live in harmony and succeed is to appreciate what is rather than what wasn’t. All the shoulda-couldawouldas in the world won’t change it. Let it go and enjoy what you received. The gift of life is yours for the taking. It’s your universe; enjoy the ride. What amuses me is how all species are weak in the face of sexuality. All logic goes out the window in a moment in the heat of passion. As always, luck would have it huge dramas and problems ensue. These innocent babies exert tremendous power as their very being changes couples into parents, the couple’s parents into grandparents, parental siblings into aunts and uncles etc. all because an expected or unexpected new baby comes along. “Life has only one goal, to move forward at all cost.” In life we all move forward with progress from the moment of our creation. If we can accept the divine masculine and feminine as they are, we can grow and learn to accept that all that happened is good. Life is about growing and maturing toward our completion with satisfaction (if we’re lucky). Being alive is completing a mission in time as we move closer and closer towards our unseen fate and destiny. It’s been said that the goal is to enjoy the journey rather than the destination. We all too well know the destination is death. Now that I have your attention, buck up and enjoy your life now as time is passing by at lightning speed. I find you’ll live much longer in harmony with “what is” rather than “what wasn’t.” Father time awaits as you knock on destiny’s door. Gary Stuart, Author, Constellation Facilitator, Teacher, Lecturer, has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. As a young student of Primal Therapy and Shamanism, his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on constellations, Many Hearts, ONE SOUL, set the stage for his latest book, Master YOUR Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at Amazon.com. He leads workshops and trainings nationally and internationally and resides in Los Angeles. Visit www.HealingInActionNow.com or www.ConstellationHealingInstitute.com eydismedia.com 77