June 2016 | Page 31

E very month is dedicated to honoring certain traditions or holidays. June just happens to be a celebration of three different musical styles: AfricanAmerican Music Appreciation Month, International Surf Music Month, and National Accordion Awareness Month. You could certainly pick just one of these to celebrate, but why not try all three? You’ll learn quite a bit and maybe discover a new genre you never knew you’d like. It’s so important and you’ll learn so much! Here are several ways to celebrate the holiday: check out some artists you’ve heard about but never actually heard, watch a few documentaries on musicians, read a book about a musician you know (or learn about an artist you never knew before), or support local artists! Hopefully you’re doing this anyway, but if not, why not start now? Check your area to find some bands near you. It’s less expensive than a major concert and just as fun! Every genre has been expanded and improved by the contributions of AfricanAmericans. One person you may not know about is Harry Lawrence Freeman (1869-1954), who founded the Negro Grand Opera Company and Salem School of Music in Harlem in 1920. Freeman is important to note because his contributions are far enough in the past that most of us don’t know about them. However, there are so many wonderful artists that are not properly acknowledged or celebrated. This month, I challenge you to take any genre and focus on the amazing contributions made by African-Americans. International Surf Music Month is perfect for June! The summer is kicking off, and what better way to celebrate than by playing some surf music? Bust out that old Beach Boys album, or do a quick Internet search and find someone new. You’re never more than a click away from a new musical discovery. While you’re trying new surf music, why not try surfing? I’m terribly uncoordinated and the only time I ever tried surfing was a disaster. I face planted into the sand until I had chunks of it embedded underneath my eyelids. I’ll stick to just the music, but if you’re looking to try something new this month, maybe surfing is for you. eydismedia.com | 31