June 2014, Summer Issue Vol. 3 | Page 97

You see, in 1992 I knew that God was calling me to full-time ministry. I went after this with everything I had and then, my heart was shattered after being deeply hurt by a church. From there God led me into full-time education and there were many days where I questioned what God was doing in my life. If you would have asked me then if social media would be the field I would work in and LOVE, I would have laughed.

When I look back on my life, I see how God has used every season of life to lead me to where I am today, as the Social Media Specialist and Project Manager for iBloom. At iBloom our goal is clear: We want to equip Christian women to build a successful business while living a life they love. When I look back at the dreams and goals I had for my life back in 1992 when I knew God was calling me to full-time ministry, I can now see how He has brought them about in His perfect time and way.

As the social media specialist for iBloom, I have the opportunity to minister to the hearts of people all over the world. I have the opportunity to be a digital missionary to people I would otherwise never meet. God has opened some amazing speaking opportunities where I have the privilege of not only showing others how they can utilize social media to grow their business but also, how to make a difference in this world. And through this all, God has shown me that He will not waste any life experience and that His ways and dreams for us are ALWAYS better than what we could have ever imagined or hoped for.
