July 2016 Magazine | Page 99

I t is common for us to contemplate what our greater purpose on the planet might be. The problem is that we cannot reach this answer through logical thinking. These answers, this truth, can only come through us as we establish a personal relationship within ourselves. Our souls communicate to us through our feelings. If we are anesthetized by external things that get in the way of our ability to feel, the possibility for this to occur is greatly diminished. Our soul guidance can only be revealed from within if there is actually room for it to “bubble up” into our consciousness. So many people are busy doing what it takes to get it all done. Our homes are full of things we don’t have time to sort through. Our schedules are full of things that don’t allow time for us to explore things we think we would really enjoy. Our minds are constantly going, strategizing, wondering, wishing; full of possibilities that are quickly squashed by things we forgot to do or worry we will forget to do, not to mention a host of things we may secretly resent we have to do. Our lives are full. We may feel gratitude for many of the things in our lives, but due to lack of time we rarely take a true inventory of what matters to us and what doesn’t. Even if we do, often we are evaluating based on external measures of success. Our raw emotions about such things are so deeply buried. Rather than feel our own true feelings on such things, we unconsciously allow these feelings to be manipulated, hijacked by the media; by our neighbors who seem to have what it takes to really be happy (or so they imply); by the beautiful women wearing the right labels, carrying the right bag, with the right hair, make-up, and nails, and ideal bodies; by the seemingly incredibly successful people telling us in one subliminal form or another to put on our big girl panties and seize the day. Before we know what happened, our lives have been entirely shaped on things happening outside of ourselves. We think, “They are doing this and that seems to lead to more happiness. I will try that too,” and little by little we add into our minds a puzzle of pieces we have added to our repertoires over time in hopes of having a better life. Then everyone and their brother and his dog need something from us, so we take off the pieces of our puzzle that represent optimism and put them in a pile off to the side to hopefully get back to at some point—when we have more time. So how do we reject our codependency on the external and begin a relationship with what is trying to bubble up from within? How do we create a space within from which our true purpose can start to emerge, grow, and take shape into something tangible? We begin to slowly eliminate the obvious things that are not meeting our needs. As we release the things that are no longer serving us, something amazing begins to happen. We begin to see what does serve us, and we begin to attract the things necessary to fulfill that vision. The process which I am about to explain is two-fold. One side of the process is an external act. The other side of the process is an internal act. The energy released from each is equally as important. If you only do the physical releasing, the energy will re-accumulate in the form of new unconscious items. Everything on the planet is energy. We are only allocated a specific amount of energy to fulfil on our purpose. If you find yourself floundering—searching for what it is that you “should be doing” with your life—it is because your energy is being used up elsewhere rather than lead you where you really belong. The most common area that our energy is otherwise stored is in our accumulated “stuff.” Below are some simple things you can do to release some energy so that it may return to you in the form of unfulfilled potential. You don’t need to plan out a total overhaul of your life. I like to describe the process as going for the low hanging fruit—that which is easiest and most obvious. The purpose of this exercise is primarily to bring eydismedia.com 99