July 2016 Magazine | Page 64

I’m a physical empath. Many years ago, I found out the depth of my sensitivity quite unexpectedly. I was actually soaking up stomachaches and headaches from my students during their music lessons! There was nothing in anything I had learned up to that point 64 | Eydis Magazine that explained how such a thing was even possible. I also realized that I had probably always been doing this, but was completely unaware of it. Now I was aware, and I had a big problem. I had to figure out what was my own and what I had soaked up from somebody else. Some days I felt like a sponge. It has taken me many years to figure out how to manage this deep empathic sensitivity. Part of my learning curve involved the tone of voice. I began to notice that I was feeling, in my body, the emotional undertone of what people were saying. Let me explain how this can happen.