July 2016 Magazine | Page 61

Dear Mary, First of all, congratulations on your new pre-occupation with improving your life. I can think of nothing more important to do with your time. Living life to the fullest requires tools. This is what a life coach can do for you. He or she can hand you time tested tools to improve any area of your life. You are correct in expressing your concern. Setting goals is not enough. We also need massive action to get where we want to go. And yet, the idea of massive action can be daunting in smallest of things (like making your bed in the morning) and the largest (our wildest hopes and dreams). Whatever we think about and focus on expands. Acknowledging and counting your victories will lead to more of the same. Law of attraction states “like attracts like.” There is a reason that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There is a reason that a “winning streak” is incredibly empowering. We feel the momentum of past success for bigger and better things. Obviously a pro-golfer is going to have higher standards of excellence than a beginner. Our definition of success must grow and change as we do. Celebrating victories (and winning) also has another wonderful result. It is fun! It makes life worth living. Bottom line, isn’t that what life is all about? So acknowledge your victories, celebrate your triumphs and championships, and successful living is going to chase you! “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.’’  —U.S. Navy Adm. and Navy Seal William H. McCraven and even disabling. You need a strategy that is inspiring and motivating. If our goal is too big or our tasks too tall, we may run out of steam before we even get started. One of my favorite tools is something called “momentum.” As Sir Isaak Newton explains, “An object in motion, continues in motion.” There is tremendous power in building on the victories in your life. The “power of won” is the power of winning! It is more than just a way of thinking. It is an attitude that is reflected in everything we say and do. It is an expectation that consistently becomes a selffulfilling prophesy. It is reflected supporting us in almost every way. It can be an incredible platform to build new success. This is why bosses are well advised to “catch employees doing it right!” Reward them for small victories and the big victories will arrive. Life is, by its nature, very incremental. We build a building one board or brick at a time. We paint a picture one brush stroke at a time. During this process we must build a success mindset on the foundation of our victories. However, we must also continually raise our standards. We must continually raise the bar and “push the envelope” And as we all step into the ever present challenges in our lives, let us remember, “we are all too blessed to be stressed.” See you in the next publication. Until then... Peace and Blessings, John John is a Life Coach, a practicing attorney (35 years) and a professional screenwriter. He is also a musician, songwriter and artist. He does private coaching and limits his client number to 20. If you would like to discuss coaching and/or get on the waiting list call him at 586-997HELP (4357). The first consultation is always free. eydismedia.com 61