July 2016 Magazine | Page 36

THE VESSEL THAT HOLDS Your Life by Ann Leach I just had that “later in life” milestone birthday and I have to say, it doesn’t feel much different than the decade before. But it does have me feeling more in tune with my physical self, the vessel that holds this life, and doing a tune up, if you will. As someone who has always carried some extra weight, I was curious as to her insights as to why. I had just naturally lost some weight after a break up and had taken that opportunity to formalize the success by joining a gym and hiring a personal trainer. A few years ago, I had a hand reading with the one and only Baeth Davis. She told me, with great accuracy, about the events of my life and was able to see where I was headed. It was a great experience and I even got to ask her as many questions as I wanted. “That’s all well and good,” Baeth said, “But that’s not how you’ll lose the weight.” I asked her to clarify and remember being baffled at her response. “You are carrying the weight of generations of grief,” she explained. “That’s why you are so good at what you do. But you won’t 36 | Eydis Magazine