July 2016 Magazine | Page 124

by Annabel Cohen EATING HEALTHY is Easy L ots of vegetables. Good proteins (from various sources). Limited fats. No processed carbohydrates. And consume foods laden with fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, beans, other legumes and lean proteins. Drink lots of water. I often think of writer Michael Pollan and his famous book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. The subtitle says it all: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Sounds simple. It is. Yet, somehow it’s hard to resist temptations we encounter in everyday living. The worst culprit? Eating out. Most restaurants are the devil. Portions are often too large and hidden ingredients make even the healthiestdescribed menu items questionable when it comes to healthful eating. Many experts will tell you to send back a restaurant’s bread basket and immediately “doggy bag” half your entree. And ask for sauces and salad dressings “on the side” or, better yet, ask for vinegar and oil on the side and dress your own salad and skip sauces altogether. Best? Cook it yourself. At home. In your very own kitchen. In fact, if you watched chefs and cooks prepare your food in many restaurants, you would be shocked. Restaurants’ goals are make