July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 69

Most frequently during a reading, the devil card conjures a sense of intensity. Even for an experienced reader, understanding the reality and underlying reason for this card’s metaphoric appearance may not readily come to the surface. Finding the answer to what issues it represents can also be done in part through psychological analysis and discussion of surrounding cards.

If this diabolical image grows in importance during a reading, sometimes I say, “Don’t let the devil get you down”

which translates as “don’t let negative forces take control of your feelings”. Exploring possible ways that a person can make the message of this card a hopeful note to improve their relationships and have a happier life brightens prospects. Most often, making light of darkness can bring cheerfulness to seriousness and a healing tone to your interpretation. After all, The Devil , also viewed as a representation of Pan, the pagan god of fertility, is just one great step on the Fool’s Journey.